
"The Buddy System" is a 58-minute documentary film, directed by Megan Smith-Harris and executive-produced by her husband, Bill Harris.

"The Buddy System" tells the intimate stories of four North Star families, including our own, who are challenged by autism, and experience a remarkable change when a specially-trained North Star dog comes into their lives. 

Megan and Bill have been patiently following and filming North Star's work for several years, and they have done a great job creating this sensitive and enlightening film.

Here is the film's trailer:

Here are some clips Megan and Bill and their crew at Pyewackitt put together to reflect the spirit of the night The Buddy System was first seen in a public venue; this was not its debut, for that will come next year, but a thrilling peek at a film coming alive.

Here's a clip that Pyewackitt Productions put together to document our time at AutFest, the first ever film festival for, about and created with the help of people on the autism spectrum.

Here are photos from the first ever annual AutFest, a film festival organized by Matt Asner and the Autism Society (where we won Best Short!).

Below is a clip from my two awkward seconds on the red carpet, with Megan Smith-Harris and Liz Kelly. However, Megan is very eloquent, Liz is an excellent interviewer, and Angel very sweet...so, I think I got away with being tongue tied! :)